Categories: Movie News

Zack Snyder teases a Darkseid reveal in his Justice League cut for HBO Max

HBO Max launched a little after midnight this morning and Zack Snyder has wasted no time teasing what's to come from his long-awaited JUSTICE LEAGUE cut that will hit the streaming service in 2021.

Zack Snyder took to his Twitter page this morning and posted an image of the villain Darkseid which appears to be screengrabbed from the Snyder Cut of JUSTICE LEAGUE. Snyder captioned the image with "He's coming…to HBO Max" and judging from the comments and retweets of the photo, it has put some fans into a frenzy. You can check out the tweet from Snyder's Twitter account below:

Snyder tweeting the photo comes on the heels of actor Ray Porter revealing that he was set to play Darkseid in Zack Snyder's JUSTICE LEAGUE before his role was cut from the theatrical release. This wasn't exactly a well-kept secret within the DCEU but Porter's timing of the reveal was telling since the caption of his tweet stated "Because I've been given permission…Hi, I'm Ray. I played Darkseid in Zack Snyder's Justice League. There. It's out now." This indicates the actor was given the go-ahead to reveal this information by Snyder or Warner Bros. because any news about this cut seems to be drawing more interest to HBO Max, which is becoming the latest of many streaming services that are trying to stand out in a very crowded field. You can check out Porter's tweet below:

We can probably expect more of these teases throughout 2020 as we head to the release of Snyder's Cut in 2021. There is a level of hype that has been building from this since the theatrical cut in 2017 and now it has hit a fever pitch now that fans know it's really happening. I wonder how much hype can be built up before it becomes a bit much but this seems to be a film that the fans really want and these little nuggets of information as they await the release only draws more interest to the film and HBO Max itself. It will be interesting to find out some kind of break down of users who went all-in on HBO Max based solely on getting to see the Snyder Cut next year. 

As for Darkseid himself, the character was due to show up towards the end of Justice League's fight with Steppenwof in Snyder's original vision, as well as in a brief "history" section at the beginning of the film. When Snyder stepped down and Joss Whedon was brought in, those plans were axed. Judging from Snyder's tweet, Darkseid will definitely have his moment in his new cut of the film. Until then, at least as of July 2019, Darkseid is set to appear in Ava DuVernay's NEW GODS but it's unknown if Ray Porter is playing the role in that project.

What role do YOU think Darkseid will play in Snyder's Cut of JUSTICE LEAGUE when it hits HBO Max in 2021?

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