Categories: Movie News

Zack Snyder Reveals Snyder Cut Poster Finalists

Release the Snyder Cut! I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get tired of hearing that. Nonetheless, Zack Snyder has just released some pretty cool fan-made posters for his mythical JUSTICE LEAGUE version. The posters were submitted for a contest sponsored by Zack, himself. You've got three up top and you can click on the link below to check out the fourth:


So, here we are with more little Synder Cut snippets to get the fans' hopes up. What I don't understand is if this Cut truly does exist and it's awesome, why won't anyone just give the fans what they want? I don't mean to sound cyncial, but if it ain't gonna get released, stop dropping all of these basically pointless pieces. It's not fair to the fans. In other words, cut the crap until you have a tangible, non-Joss-Whedon film to show us. Till then, you can keep following Snyder on Vero to see which poster person will win a clapboard from the elusive cut:



What are your thoughts on the alleged Snyder Cut? Real? Myth? Don't give a shit? Let us know in them comments below!

Published by
Mike Catalano