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Zack Snyder talks #RestoreTheSnyderVerse, calls WB aggressively anti-Snyder

Zack Snyder may be making the rounds promoting his latest film Army of the Dead but that hasn't stopped the press from asking him about the film he released this year: Zack Snyder's Justice League. His definitive cut was well-received by critics and fans and the latter almost immediately started a social media movement with the hashtag #RestoreTheSnyderVerse which demanded the continuation of Snyder's vision for the DCEU. A lot of time has passed since all of this started and now Snyder is addressing the movement.

During a talk with "Jake's Takes", the director was asked about what he could tell those who are still holding out hope that the SnyderVerse can be restored. Snyder does have hopes that despite Warner Bros. being "aggressively anti-Snyder", the studio will realize that's a huge demand for his vision of the DCEU to continue:

"Warner Bros. has been aggressively anti-Snyder if you will. What can I say? Clearly, they're not interested in my take. But I would also say that they certainly weren't interested in — I would have said originally — in my take on Justice League. They certainly made decisions about that. I love the characters, and I love the worlds, and I think it's an amazing place to make a movie. It's glorious IP. So there's that. I don't know what could be done as you go forward other than I think the fan movement is so strong, and the fan community, [their] intention is so pure, and I really have this huge respect for it. I would hope that cooler heads would prevail with [the studio] and they would see that there's this massive fandom that wants more of that. But who knows what they'll do?"

Snyder has downplayed hopes for the SnyderVerse being restored in the past. In fact, before the release of the film on HBO Max, he made it clear that he had no plans to continue the arc, but this always seemed like a studio choice rather than a decision made by Snyder. The fact that Zack Snyder's Justice League leaves things very open-ended and sets up a sequel, it's not surprising that fans want to see his vision continue and come to its original planned conclusion. Warner Bros. seems determined to stick to their guns and not restore the SnyderVerse because, as they've said before, "they're looking towards the future." It seems silly to ignore how significant the fanbase is, especially considering they're the reason we have the Snyder Cut in the first place. With all this talk about multiple cinematic universes that can co-exist, I don't see the harm in letting Snyder finish his vision.

Do YOU think there is any hope to restore the SnyderVerse?

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