Categories: Movie News

Yelchin likes Beaver

I really don’t want to make this pun every time I write a new casting item for THE BEAVER, but really, what choice do I have? Kyle Reese/Chekhov/Anton Yelchin has signed on to play Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster’s son in the project, which again, is about what exactly?

“Gibson’s playing a depressed man who finds solace in wearing a beaver hand-puppet; Foster will play his wife, whom the son lobbies to get a divorce.”

Oh right, beaver hand-puppet, got it. I would probably lobby my mom to divorce my beaver hand-puppet wearing dad also. Foster is directing this project and after being picked up by Summit last month, it should see theaters in late 2010 or early 2011. I can hardly wait for the cast of MAVERICK to be reunited.

Published by
Paul Tassi