WTF Happened to Michael Bay’s The Island?

WTF Happened To This Movie? – The JoBlo series that looks at troubled movie productions, box-office failures, and bizarre and surprising creative decisions! 

After five bombastic blockbusters, director Michael Bay attempted something more cerebral with the sci-fi clone thriller The Island, starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. Initially expected to be a major blockbuster in the summer of 2005, the movie seemed to have a lot going for it. Bay was at the height of his powers, and Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks SKG was financing the film. Earlier that summer, McGregor had wrapped up his run as Obi-Wan (for a while) with the release of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and seemed primed to become a legit action star. Johansson, who was only twenty, was transitioning to adult roles following the success of Lost in Translation. Everything seemed good for The Island. 

But after an accelerated timeline, an inflating budget, various production complications, and mishandled marketing, it arrived in the summer of 2005… and became Bay's first box office flop (although some considered it an underrated gem). So get your organs ready and find out "WTF Happened to THE ISLAND!"


Published by
Chris Bumbray