Categories: Movie News

Wonder Woman, Batman, and The Flash strike a pose in new Justice League pic

With all the rumours flying around surrounding what's going on behind-the-scenes and whether or not this might be Ben Affleck's last turn as Batman, I sometimes have to remind myself that we're getting a friggin' JUSTICE LEAGUE movie, and that, is amazing. Bringing together Batman (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), The Flash (Ezra Miller), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher), and Superman (Henry Cavill) to protect the world against Steppenwolf (Ciarán Hinds) and his army of Parademons isn't something which I thought we'd ever see, but it's coming, and I can only hope to hell that all the tinkering and reshoots will give us a film worthy of its name.

A brand-new image from JUSTICE LEAGUE featuring the trio of Wonder Woman, Batman, and The Flash looking particularly heroic has arrived, and you can check that out below. You know how to scroll.

Production on JUSTICE LEAGUE obviously turned out to be much more of a time commitment than anyone expected, but Ezra Miller told People that the cast "had a friggin' blast" nonetheless. "I love this gang of weirdos," Miller added. "We’re all very different humans and we really love each other through and through. I personally always feel that the goodness of what we create interpersonally on a set flows into the quantum fabric of the film. I trust completely in this very esoteric understanding." Bringing together some of the world's most powerful superheroes isn't going to be easy, but Ben Affleck says that JUSTICE LEAGUE will represent a "step in evolution to bring together all of these character who have had their origins."

It’s about multilateralism, and it’s about hope and about working together and the kind of conflicts of trying to work together with others. Part of the drama of the movie is the question of whether or not the team is going to come together. It’s very different from the tenor of the last movie and there’s also more room for humor. Wonder Woman is very powerful, Aquaman is very badass — he’s got very strong and stubborn energy, Flash is a lot of fun and full of life and Cyborg is just a very smart and independent person. And we have some new vehicles that are really awesome, like the Flying Fox, it’s so big that it can transport the whole League and can carry a Batmobile.

JUSTICE LEAGUE is set for a November 17, 2017 release.

Published by
Kevin Fraser