“Who’s comin with me?” It looks like Half Baked 2 is actually happening

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Here's some 2020 news I can get down with. It looks like HALF BAKED 2 is getting closer to becoming a reality. The sequel was among a dozen projects selected earlier this week to receive part of a $40 million in tax credit allocated by the California Film Commission.

According to the stipulations of the tax credit via "Metaflix", production needs to begin within 180 days and in the case of HALF BAKED 2, that will take place in Los Angeles. I must admit, I had no clue that a sequel to HALF BAKED was in the works but it turns out that at the end of last year, Macgyver reboot star Justin Hires revealed he was putting together the script for the sequel.

So who will be involved? Unless something has changed since 2014, Dave Chappelle is likely out. Despite the cult following and popularity of the film, Chappelle revealed his disappointment with the finished product during an interview with "Inside The Actor's Studio" by saying "Half Baked didn't come out the way I wanted it to come out. I was real upset about that, cause it was a real cool script." That kind of sentiment doesn't lend to someone wanting to come back to give the concept another try. As for the film's other original stars like Jim Breuer, Guillermo Diaz, and Harland Williams, there is no word as of yet if they will return as well. If they don't, this will be a sequel in name only and that won't be near as fun if they don't return. 

Reportedly, the sequel will focus on Thurgood Jenkins' son. Jenkins was played by Chappelle in the first film which establishes a connection between the original film and the planned sequel. When Justin Hires announced he was writing the sequel he seemed confident about the project and said "Excited to announce I'll be writing the sequel to Half Baked. I know the original is a classic and yes this sequel will be fire because I'm writing it. Oh yeah, I write screenplays too." Confidence aside, if he can't get any of the original players back I have a feeling this is going to become one of those weird AMERICAN PIE PRESENTS off-brand sequels that never lived up to the films that came before it. Hopefully, they'll get some deals in place to get some of the original cast back. 

HALF BAKED wasn't a huge hit when it was released but since it was made for a mere $7.7 million and grossed $17.4 million by the end of its run, the film still pulled a profit. It wasn't until the film hit home video that HALF BAKED got a second life and became an instant cult classic, especially with those who happen to LOVE stoner comedies because it's arguably one of the best. 

Do YOU want a sequel to HALF BAKED?

Source: Metaflix

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