Categories: Movie News

What if Sylvester Stallone played The Terminator in T2?

stallone, terminatorstallone, terminator

It's no secret that Sylvester Stallone was considered for the role of the T-800 in James Cameron's THE TERMINATOR (as was Mel Gibson and O.J. Simpson), a role which eventually went to some Austrian bodybuilder named Arnold Schwarzenegger, but what if ol' Sly HAD taken the role? One of the first nods we ever saw teasing that scenario was in John McTiernan's LAST ACTION HERO, which showed a poster of Stallone in the titular role for the follow-up, TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY. It was a funny moment in the film, but one that left the lingering question; what if Stallone WAS The Terminator?

Well, guess no more, as the folks at Ctrl Shift Face have created one hell of a deep fake recreation of T2 featuring the Italian Stallion as the T-800 from the future and the results are both cool and hilarious. I mean, to be honest, as much as I love ol' Arnold in the role, I could easily have seen Stallone doing his thing with it as well. Would it have been as good? Who's to say, but hey, it's fun to imagine, right? Take a look at the full video below and see Stallone's Instagram endorsement just below.

Stallone will be back (see what I did there) this fall in RAMBO: LAST BLOOD on September 20th and Arnold will be back as well (ironically) in TERMINATOR: DARK FATE, out on November 1st. Man, a new Rambo AND a new Terminator this year? What is this, 1992???

Published by
Paul Shirey