Categories: Movie Trailers

Wes Anderson takes us to the Isle of Dogs in first trailer

With tons of modern classics under his belt – like GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL, FANTASTIC MR. FOX, THE LIFE AQUATIC and more – Wes Anderson can seemingly do no wrong. His new movie, ISLE OF DOGS, will take him back to the stop-motion style he used on MR. FOX, and once again it appears Anderson will deliver another quirky, hilarious, and visually stupendous film. Take a look above, and be prepared to once again say, “That Anderson is a f@cking genius.”

One major takeaway from the trailer is that although it will draw a lot of comparisons to FOX the movie’s animated visuals look vastly more advanced and there’s majesty and grandeur to some of Anderson's shots that make it look like his most ambitious film yet. That voice cast – featuring Edward Norton, Bryan Cranston and Greta Gerwig – sounds top-notch as well, and the trailer doesn’t skimp on the funny bits either. A stellar showcase all-around, and I can add this to my Must-See of 2018 list right now.

ISLE OF DOGS hits theaters March 23, 2018.

Published by
Matt Rooney