Last week Warner Bros. got in on the meta-humor game by poking fun at GREEN LANTERN while simultaneously putting Beyoncé’s masterpiece in our heads. The movie’s end-credits scene features a pretty harsh, hilarious bit involving Reynolds and LANTERN, of which WB clearly did not take a liking a too, and they are now asking for the actor’s resignation from the Green Lantern Corps.
Warner Bros. laid down some serious shade on Saturday by asking Reynolds to turn in his Green Lantern ring, clearly believing he is no longer worthy of his place among other alien heroes. He was also asked to conjure a green gun and turn that in too.
Reynolds then had the perfect response by bringing in the very esteemed and notable product NuvaRing into the mix. I guess he wanted to use his Lantern powers one last time to conjure several unpleasant images in our minds.
DEADPOOL and its new sequel haven’t shied away from mocking Reynold’s GREEN LANTERN work in the past. The first movie featured a classic line with Wade Wilson (Reynolds) asking for his super suit to not be green or animated. In DEADPOOL 2 things went even further when **FINAL SPOILER WARNING**, in the end credits scene, Deadpool goes back in time and shoots Reynolds in the head after he read the LANTERN script, thus setting the world right.
As evidenced by the first tweet and solidified with this new one, WB seems to have a sense of humor about the failure of LANTERN and Reynolds’ mocking of it. They aimed for the stars with the movie but crashed and burned before getting 20 feet off the ground, and now the only thing to do is look back on it with laughter. It’s nice to see the studio and DC have learned from their mistakes though…