Warner Bros. is working on all-female spinoff movie featuring Harley Quinn

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

harley quinn, margot robbie, suicide squad, dc cinematic universe

You had to know that eventually Warner Bros. was going to bet big on Harley Quinn in a major way, and it would seem that time is finally upon us. With Margot Robbie carrying the torch for the character for the foreseeable future, the studio is already making moves to add more Harley Quinn to their expanding DC Cinematic Universe. 

The beloved character is finally set to make her feature film debut later this summer in SUICIDE SQUAD, but that certainly won't be the last we see of her. She won't just be confined to future SUICIDE SQUAD movies or anything involving Batman and The Joker… oh no… Harley Quinn is going to be one of the driving forces that bring more female superheroines and supervillains into the world that's being built. A spin-off is being discussed that would not be a solo Harley Quinn movie, but one that introduces the likes of Batgirl, Birds of Prey and others into the fray. Robbie would still be an integral part of the film, but she would be a part of the ensemble rather than the main focus. 

Currently a female writer is at work on a screenplay for the untitled film, but no loose lips are willing to spill the info on who that scribe might be at this time. In addition, there is no real telling as to when or where a film of this nature would slot into the slate of films Warner Bros. has been claiming dates for in the next few years. There are a number of untitled DC event films on the calendar, but, since there is no real cohesive plan moving forward as to how all these films might connect, it's anyone's guess really as to where something like this would fit in. 

Harley Quinn has been a huge fan favorite since being created late in the mythology of Batman, and it makes perfect sense for her to get a great deal of spotlight… especially if all the early buzz on Robbie's performance turns out true. Plus, Quinn interacts with a lot of these female characters in her comics, too, so building those relationships could add another dynamic to the DC Cinematic Universe that other superhero movies haven't really been touching. All in all, this is an interesting development for Warner Bros. and their DC shared universe. Now it's a matter of figuring out how to make this work with everything else they're throwing against the wall.

Margot Robbie's debut as Harley Quinn in SUICIDE SQUAD happens on August 5.


Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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