Vin talks final Fast & Furious trilogy; announcement of directors to come

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Rumors have been swirling around that the next FAST & FURIOUS film has had a little bit of trouble nailing down a director. It's doubtful we're going to see James Wan or Justin Lin return to the franchise (at the moment) but word is that there's going to be some big announcements to come, and that word comes from Vin Diesel himself.

Vin Diesel regarding the future of FAST & FURIOUS:

The fans of the Fast & Furious SAGA are the best fans in the world… Since I became the Producer in 2008, you have been with me every step of the way… literally giving me feedback that proved invaluable. Thank you. My producing partner Neal would love for me to just sign off on a director, but this is too special a franchise, so these matters have to be very carefully handled. To be clear, NO ONE has been offered to helm Fast 8 yet… let alone seen a script. Universal has been so good to me and so trusting of the vision… they have been like family… I promised the studio I would deliver one last Trilogy to end the saga.

I will announce the directors on my next post…

He then posted the following a short time later:

All weekend long, my producing partner Neal, the Studio and myself have been mapping out the future of our SAGA… All aspects of the trilogy, including the announcement of it's respective directors, which is only building our excitement. I am really enjoying this process… but what gives me a unique sense of pride is that you all have been a part of it. To hear them reference the comments you contribute to Our page is truly amazing.

On behalf of the FAST Family, we thank you for making our DVD the biggest in history. We make these films with Our hearts.

Regardless of how taxing it may be to work on a FAST & FURIOUS flick, I'm sure there are plenty of action directors out there willing to throw their name into the ring. Frankly, I'm surprised Diesel himself hasn't been mentioned until this recent post. Sure, he doesn't have all the experience in the world but at this point, I'm sure the Furious audience will show up even if Tommy Wiseau's name was attached to it. Oh man, would I pay to see that!

FAST AND FURIOUS 8 is scheduled to hit on April 14, 2017.

Source: Facebook

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