PITCH BLACK was such a great movie. Then Mr. Vin Diesel became a big star and got his own Riddick spin-off, THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK, which… sucked. However, thanks to Diesel's own personal money trees named FAST and FURIOUS, he got to correct the mistep of CHRONICLES and made a third film titled simply RIDDICK. Now it seems this character truly is riding a gravy train on biscuit wheels as Diesel just announced on his Instagram that the next installment of his shiny-eyed anti-hero is about to hit his house in script form:
That Vin sure can carry a tune! Are you guys as stoked as he is for more Riddick? Any thoughts on where this next adventure may take him? Could there ever be a RIDDICK/FAST AND FURIOUS crossover? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below!