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New study shows Vin Diesel is the most dangerous driver in movies

Vin Diesel has built a career on wreckless driving via the Fast & Furious franchise so it should come as no surprise that Diesel is considered the most dangerous driver in Hollywood movies according to a new study. 

According to "Car Scrap Comparison", Vin Diesel is the Most Dangerous Driver in Hollywood action movies. The Fast & Furious franchise is what helped him reach the grand total of 61 cars destroyed, with 57 of them taking place when he was behind the wheel. The most cars destroyed in a single film came courtesy of Fast Five.

Despite earning this honor, Diesel was not in either movie that had the most cars destroyed on screen. That distinction goes to Transformers 3 and The Matrix Reloaded. The actor is also in some pretty good company in terms of vehicle destruction. Bruce Willis lands at number two with 60 vehicles destroyed in his various films and he was personally behind the wheel of 35 of them. Tom Cruise only has 19 wrecks on the big screen but considering how much a boss Cruise is at doing stunts, the number being that low isn't all that surprising.

Arnold Schwarzenegger landed in third with 52 wrecks which is surprising he wasn't higher on the list since his career spans longer than Diesel's and he was one of the biggest actions stars of the '80s and '90s. Jason Bourne himself, Matt Damon, follows behind Schwarzenegger with 35 on screen wrecks courtesy of the Bourne franchise. In fact, 30 of Damon's wrecks come from the Bourne franchise alone.

At number 7 is Daniel Craig, who has the Bond franchise to thank for his 24 vehicles destroyed on the big screen. Of those 24, Craig was only behind the wheel for 20 of those crashes. Tom Hardy is next on the list with 26 vehicles under his belt but Hardy himself is relatively safe as he was only reportedly behind the wheel of only two of those wrecks. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson tied for tenth place with Jason Statham with 18 vehicles destroyed on screen but I'm sure they can increase that number in the next Hobbs & Shaw movie.

Are YOU surprised that Vin Diesel topped this list? With a last name like Diesel it sees like this would be the list you should top. Given the fact that we have three more Fast films on the way, his number of wrecked vehicles is bound to increase. 

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