Joel McHale gives update on Community movie; wants you to stop blaming Donald Glover

Community star Joel McHale expects filming on the movie to begin next year and blames his schedule for the most recent holdup.

Last Updated on July 11, 2024

Community movie

Every now and then we hear something about the long-gestating Community movie. Most of it is positive and shows some sort of progress in the development, but we’re still always left wondering if it will truly happen considering how long word has been circling the quad. Now, Jeff Winger himself, Joel McHale has a quasi-update…and a plea to stop harassing one particular member of the cast. No, not Chevy Chase – he’s fair game.

Speaking with GQ, Joel McHale asked Community fans to stop hassling Donald Glover over the status of the movie. This time around, he’s taking the blame for it having not started filming. “If it’s anybody’s fault, it’s my schedule on this one. It’s not his at all. He was available. No, no, no, no…I will say, and please print this. That was definitely not true. It was not Donald’s schedule. We love Donald. You can fully blame my schedule.”

As for where exactly the Community movie stands, McHale provided far less than fans might want to know, but hey, we’ll take it at this point. “Well, it hasn’t been shot yet. It will be. And I don’t have a definitive update because we thought for a moment it was going to all happen this year, and then it didn’t. But we have the money, and that is a huge step. And hopefully, people still want to see it. And Peacock’s paying for it. And so I can’t wait to do it. I’ll say vaguely next year. How about that?”

It has been just over nine years since Community went off the air – and even longer since its legion of followers launched their #sixseasonandamovie campaign. Well, we got our six seasons but that Community movie hasn’t yet materialized. It’s tough to be patient when anticipating something so important to a cult following, but McHale’s call for peace against his co-star should probably be taken seriously. Glover himself has addressed this before but now that McHale has stepped in, maybe he’ll get a little break…until the blame is passed onto the next guy.

Are you still looking forward to the Community movie even though it has taken so long? What do you hope to see when it finally gets made?


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2134 Articles Published

Mathew is an East Coast-based writer and film aficionado who has been working with periodically since 2006. When he’s not writing, you can find him on Letterboxd or at a local brewery. If he had the time, he would host the most exhaustive The Wonder Years rewatch podcast in the universe.