Categories: Movie News

Universal willing to make a Bridesmaids sequel without Kristen Wiig

Just the other day, BRIDESMAIDS was nominated as Best Picture by the Producers Guild of America, a group traditionally looked at as one of the more reliable predictors of Oscar success. Currently, BRIDESMAIDS has made over $275 million worldwide. It’s a comedy that is both critically and commercially successful. So, of course, Universal wants to do a sequel. The only problem is that the film’s star Kristen Wiig and her writing partner Annie Mumolo aren’t interested.

Wiig spoke to the Hollywood Reporter and said of the oft-rumored sequel, “We aren’t working on that. Annie and I aren’t planning a sequel.” Reportedly at issue is the lack of compensation paid by Universal to the film’s six female leads after the breakout success. As mentioned above, the film has made almost $300 million and the actors all signed on with relatively small contracts. Wiig declined to comment on any financial issues.

Universal has tried to convince Wiig to return but so far she has rebuffed all attempts to sign her to a new deal. So Universal is playing hardball and looking to get a sequel going without Wiig or Mumolo.

Sources say that the studio is looking to make a rather sizable offer to Melissa McCarthy to return for another film. While producer Judd Apatow remained diplomatic, sources close to Apatow maintain he would remain loyal to Wiig and refuse participation if Universal went ahead.

So what do you think? Should Universal bother with another BRIDESMAIDS if Wiig won’t return? Should McCarthy return without the rest of her castmates? Should everyone suck it up, make a shitload of money and move on?

Published by
Mike Sampson