Categories: Horror Movie News

UFO sightings in the sky! – Quest for the Unknown

We have a very cool video special to share today, as paranormal investigators Jason Hewlett and Peter Renn (you may know them from our series We Want to Believe) dig into stories of UFO sightings in Quest for the Unknown – which you can check out in the embed above!

Quest for the Unknown features Charles Lamoureux of Static 8 Films, a UFO and UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) investigator based out of Vancouver. Charles has 

captured strange lights in the sky for years. What are they, and where do they come from? Charles has various theories, and we explore them, and his footage, in this special.

A few episodes of We Want to Believe can be seen below. To watch more, head over to the Paranormal Network YouTube channel – and subscribe while you're there!

Published by
Cody Hamman