Categories: Movie News

Ubisoft employee posts first on-set pictures of Assassin’s Creed

ASSASSIN'S Creed will follow Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) as he experiences the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain, thanks to a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories. Filming has been underway for the past month, although Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Head of Content, Azaïzia Aymar, was able to visit the set and snap a few pictures. These aren't of the spoilery variety, but they show off the logo for Abstergo Industries, which serves as a front for the modern-day Templars, as well as director Justin Kurzel. Check 'em out!

Walking for the very first time inside of Abstergo was an amazing experience! Picture from set!

On set with the amazing Justin Kurzel, a true Assassin and fantastic Director!

How about that Kurzel? Dude looks like he's ready to assassinate someone! In any event, ASSASSIN'S CREED represents a potential huge step forward for video game adaptations, with the budget rumored to be sitting around $150 million. I've heard nothing but good things about Kurzel's adaptation of MACBETH, so I'm hoping that bodes well for ASSASSIN'S CREED. With more than a year standing between us and a release, there's still plenty of goodies to show off during the production process.

ASSASSIN'S CREED is scheduled to hit theaters on December 21, 2016.

Published by
Sean Wist