Categories: Movie News

Two new posters for Disney/Marvel’s Big Hero 6 feature Baymax

There’s been surprisingly little fanfare for Disney/Marvel’s first animated outing, BIG HERO 6, but I’m guessing the spotlight will be focused on this venture after GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. In the meantime, Disney has slowly been leaking some material. Last month we saw a teaser trailer, hinting at the vibe the film is going for. Now we have a few character posters featuring Baymax, the robot who will no doubt be front and center as far as merchandising goes.

Here’s the first poster (with the second towards the bottom of the article):

As of now, the design of this robot is just that; a design. It’s hard to get a real feel for any of the characters without a little bit more to go off of, so I’m looking forward to seeing a theatrical trailer. Disney’s pretty good at crafting machines you care about (Wall-E), so we’ll see how that carries over to this Marvel flick.

BIG HERO 6, featuring the voices of Jamie Chung, T.J. Miller, and Maya Rudolph, will be released on November 7, 2014.

Published by
Sean Wist