Categories: Horror Movie News

TV Review: The Walking Dead (Season 5, Episode 1, October 12, 2014)

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EPISODE 1: No Sanctuary

THE HOOK: Rick’s Terminus reunion didn’t go as planned. Now, prisoners of this malicious new group of survivors, Rick and crew must plot their next move carefully if they hope to survive.

The following contains MAJOR SPOILERS, so I don't recommend reading this if you haven't watched this episode

THE LOWDOWN: As a faithful fan of both the graphic novel and show, I’ve been here since ground zero, and to say this show has come a long way would be a dramatic understatement. Regardless of its missteps, this show has gotten a lot right and continues to adapt as it goes. Tonight’s premiere is clear cut evidence of this as it knocked the ball out of the park. “A” may have introduced Terminus, and in doing so gave us the impression that these characters were in dire straits, but one could be left to hope in those closing moments. Tonight squashed the hell out of that noise with a brutal opening scene that made my deepest bowls squirm. Yeah, I eat burgers and steak, and having spent a significant amount of time on my Grandparents farm I understand the slaughtering process just fine. But I don’t’ think about it. I certainly did tonight. The tension created by that scene alone (when they’re lined up in front of that long tub) was nuts, but once you add the bat and knife guys, well, damn.

When this scene is interrupted by gunfire and an explosion I automatically thought of Carol, but I loved the way they set it up, leading us to believe it could be a third party. I’m still loving the Tyreese/Carol combo, but I will admit to being slightly annoyed by Tyreese’s leisurely journey back into the game. Carol was good to go though, and looking wholeheartedly badass—love the “Guts” throwback, I’m still amazed it’s not a tactic that’s used more often, but then again, we don’t get many stealth missions attacks on compounds. I liked the moral debate between Tyreese and the Terminus prisoner up until dude went for Judith. I didn’t like the guy as is, but at that point I really hated him. That said, this was all push Tyreese needed to see red. I’m still not sure if Tyreese lied to Carol about killing the prisoner though. It shows him beating the bejesus out of the guy, but him stopping Carol from going in the house at the end makes me wonder if he left the guy alive. If so, I’m sure we’ll find out.

The escape was hella fun, but mostly because of Rick’s take no prisoners attitude. When they make it out and dig up the guns and Rick says he wants to go back and kill them all, I was like, “HELLS YEAH!” That’s the Rick I love, right there! They didn’t, however, and I’m sure this will come back to bite them in the ass later on as I know for one, the main interrogator dude, didn’t die. And I’m assuming here, but those “Then” and “Now” flashbacks lead me to believe that the woman Carol confronted in the “remember room” was either dude’s mom, or at least someone very close to him. Either way, he’s going to want some serious payback and will no doubt pop up somewhere down the line.

THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 5's premiere was every bit as intense, gory and gratifying as any episode to come before it. This show is firing on all cylinders and I’m excited to see how far this road takes us. Do I think we need a spinoff show? Not really. Do I think this show will hit the twelfth season mark like Robert Kirkman? Not so sure about that either. What I am sure of is this; these characters have me invested on every level (seeing Daryl run to Carol almost made me tear up). The story is there, the effects look better than ever (the walkers looks f*cking nuts), and I leave each episode genuinely wanting more. The closing moments off up some interesting questions, mainly, what it is Abraham needs to talk to them about? I felt like it had something to do with Judith, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Oh, and I loved Rick’s final FU to Terminus by way of messing with the sign. Good form, Rick. Good form. Totally badass start to the season!

ZOMBIE KILL OF THE WEEK: I’ll be honest, I lost track after a while. Zombies be dying all over the place, but if I had to choose, I’d say Carol messed a good bunch up pretty good with that explosion.

BLOOD AND GORE: Lots. Of. It. This episode has peeps dying left, right and center. People and walkers alike. It’s one of the more gory episodes I’ve seen in a long time, mainly due to the opening tub scene.

COOLEST SCENE: Tough call. The tension build up in the beginning was killer, Carol’s diversion was damn cool, but Rick takes it tonight (countless times, really). The sheer intensity in his eyes when he tells that guy he’s going to use the machete with the red handle to kill him was awesome. Then of course, Rick just goes bonkers (in a good way). Rick is the cool scene tonight. TELL US



Published by
J.A. Hamilton