Categories: Movie News

Terry Gilliam’s The Zero Theorem gets a release date & trippy new poster

A new poster for Terry Gilliam's THE ZERO THEOREM has landed online over at The Playlist, and they are calling it an "alternate" poster since you probably won't see it hanging up in theaters. Why? Well, Christoph Waltz's ass is fully exposed in the poster, and we all know how the MPAA feels about posters that have even a hint of nudity.

Deleted scene from GRAVITY?


An eccentric and reclusive computer genius plagued with existential angst works on a mysterious project aimed at discovering the purpose of existence – or the lack thereof -once and for all. However, it is only once he experiences the power of love and desire that he is able to understand his very reason for being.

Amplify (the studio behind the film's U.S. release) has also announced THE ZERO THEOREM will be available on VOD on August 19, 2014 before it hits theaters on September 19, 2014. I've been dying to see Terry Gilliam's latest movie, and I'm very glad it finally has a release date.

Published by
Jesse Giroux