Categories: Movie News

Transsiberian trailer!

The trailer for Brad Anderson’s TRANSSIBERIAN is finally up on AITH
VIDEOS (see it below) it seems like we’ve been writing about this movie forever, and now it’s finally here. Well not HERE here, but it will be soon: JULY 18.

An American couple, Roy and Jessie, decide to take the long way home from their recent sojourn in Asia on the legendary Trans-siberian Express train from Beijing to Moscow. On their way, they meet another couple from the West, Carlos and Abby, with whom they quickly form a familiar bond that often unites fellow travellers away from home. When Roy accidentally gets separated from the group at a stopover, Jessie begins to realize that their compatriots aren’t exactly who or what they seem to be. The real danger begins to surface as a deceitful Russian detective and locals terrorize Jessie in this unforgettable journey.

The flick stars Woody Harrelson, Emily Mortimer, Ben Kingsley Eduardo Noriega, and Kate Mara (looking more lovely below than she does in the trailer). You can also check out Brad Anderson in action when his FEAR ITSELF episode hits next Thursday.

Take a ride on the Transsiberian!


Published by
Eric Walkuski