Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Trailer released for trippy time loop horror-thriller 6:45

So, I've said before how I'm a sucker for trippy, time-wimey narratives; however, I'm especially fond of the time loop subgenre, perfected by the Bill Murray comedy GROUNDHOG DAY. But many others have also done good variations on that premise, most notably the horror-comedy HAPPY DEATHDAY.

Now comes 6:45, which seems to be a more serious, horrific take on the concept (since even HAPPY DEATHDAY – while a slasher film – had its tongue still firmly set in cheek). The film has released a very moody, atmospheric teaser (which doesn't really give away the plot, but does look well-shot), as well as an official synopsis:

Bobby Patterson is hoping a weekend getaway will save his rocky relationship with his girlfriend Jules Rables. The couple arrives in the quiet island resort of Bog Grove. To their bewilderment, the sleepy beach town is curiously deserted and they quickly learn about the deadly history that's about to repeat itself. Bobby's struggles with Jules are cast aside in order to overcome a dementing cycle of terror they find themselves trapped in. No matter what he does to try to avoid it, he and his girlfriend wake up at 6:45 each morning to the same nightmarish chain of events that lead to them being viciously murdered.

I'm certainly curious, but what do you guys think? You down for some more time loop horror? Either way, sound off below!


Published by
Damion Damaske