Trailer released for time-travel/body horror thriller Shifter!

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Time travel is always scary shit, when you get right down to it. Sure, you have your BACK TO THE FUTUREs and your HOT TUB TIME MACHINEs, but if you were to really get into the physics and realities of it, time travel is not something to really f*ck with. It seems the upcoming indie thriller SHIFTER agrees with me, as it takes the normal set-up (plucky scientist creates a makeshift time machine) and turns it into a Cronenbergian body horror nightmare!

Meanwhile, you can check out the trailer for yourself at the top of the article, and below is the official synopsis:

A young woman experiences painful and gruesome side effects after an experiment with time travel goes wrong.

SHIFTER – directed by Jacob Burns and starring Nicole Fancher, Ashley Mandanas, Paul T. Taylor, and Jamie Brewster – will shift to VOD and On Demand August 6th!

So what do you guys think? Also, any favorite time-travel horror movies? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Arrow in the Head

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