Categories: Horror Movie News

Trailer and poster for Christopher Butler’s The Scopia Effect

Reincarnation goes horribly wrong releasing dark forces across time in the trailer for Christopher Butler's THE SCOPIA EFFECT, a new horror-thriller that is set to release next month. 

It's been quite some time since we last heard word on this one, with our last report coming back in 2012, and in the time since that article hit the film had its premiere at the British Horror Film Festival in Leicester Square winning the award for best cinematography as well as being nominated for best lead actress and best director.

The film stars Joanna Ignaczewska, Louis Labovitch, and Akira Koieyama.

Set in London, Scopia follows ordinary white-collar office worker, Basia, who after suffering mild depression undergoes hypnotic regression with specialist Dr Edward Stanton. No sooner do these treatments start (somewhat unorthodox in nature) that Basia's flashbacks caused during regression appear to be not only of a troubled childhood but also of troubled past lives. As these memories gush forth, the vivid and warm memories of her young mother's kindness subside and start to give way to dark forces that seek to disrupt and destroy her. As Basia struggles to hold these dark forces from breaking through into her present, she increasingly struggles to retain her sanity and the ability to fight back. There is a way out but it is hardest path to take, shaking her humanity to the very core.

Word is that THE SCOPIA EFFECT will see a release in April, although an exact date has yet to be determined. We'll keep you posted.

Published by
Kevin Woods