Categories: Movie News

Top 10: twists #2

Written By Serena Whitney:

A lot of horror movies have twists.
These twists usually answer the questions such as, “Who did it?/”How did
they do it?”/ and “What were their motives?” Generally, us horror fiends
can figure out the so called “twist” within the first few minutes.

Most of the time, the twists are so easy
to figure out that it feels like the writer is insulting our intelligence.
(*cough* Valentine *cough*) But, some horror films are actually able to
genuinely surprise and fool even the biggest horror buff. Here is my list
of the top ten twists in scary movies that I loved.


*Note: I know I always pre-warn you of
spoilers in the top tens, but this is one that has MAJOR spoilers. If you
don’t want the ending of certain films ruined for you, than I suggest that
you do not read further* You’ve been warned.

5. What Lies Beneath

I honestly didn’t see the twist
in this supernatural film coming.  If they hadn’t cast Harrison “I always
play the hero” Ford as the bad guy, I would have gotten the ending so much
faster.  When the audience is revealed that Mr. Norman Spencer (Harrison
Ford) really did kill the girl that had been haunting Michelle Pfeiffer, it
was shocking. I remember jumping out of my seat, after seeing the “411” on
the phone. I never felt like such a moron before in my entire life.

4. Identity

This movie had me guessing to the very end. It didn’t have just one twist,
it had many. This movie had me thinking so hard, I was squinting. When we
find out that all of the characters of the movie who are stuck in the hotel
were really just personalities of a man on death row, I felt so stupid,
because all of the hints were there.  Then finding out that it was little
Timmy killing everyone off, well that was just the icing on the cake.  This
mystery flick is so well done, and after watching it over and over again, I
still pick up on hints that I didn’t get on the first viewing. It’s hard to
believe the same man who wrote the infamous Jack Frost (the slasher
not the Michael Keaton one, although both equally horrific) wrote this gem.

3. Psycho

No matter
what age you are, Psycho has probably affected you in some way or
form.  Maybe it gave you the fear of taking showers, maybe it gave you the
fear of checking into motels by yourself, or maybe it just gave you
nightmares to see Norman Bates dressed as “Mother”  wielding a sharp butcher
knife. (Although if you watch the 1998 remake with Vince Vaughn dressed as
“Mother,” you’ll probably pee yourself from laughing so hard.)  This Alfred
Hitchcock classic is probably the most important choice on this list, for it
was the catalyst for the now trendy twist ending.

2. The Sixth Sense

Before M. Night Shyamalan became
known for his “surprise” endings, he made this movie that shocked almost
every moviegoer.  When I had guessed the ending of this movie in the
movie theatres, all of my friends who were with me swore that they would
never see a movie with me again. (The reason why I guessed it was that I had
seen an “Are you Afraid of the Dark?” episode exactly like the ending
of the movie.) After finding out that Bruce Willis was really dead all
along, it sent everyone racing to their friends and family raving about the
ending. (and probably ruining it as well.) Out of all the twists on this
list, this movie had  the most clever one.


1. Sleepaway Camp

If you are a hardcore horror fiend, you have to watch this movie! Sure, it’s
really just a cheesy rip-off of Friday the 13th, but it has the most
shocking revelation I have ever seen in a slasher. I’m not even going to
ruin it for you, because you just have to see it.  I don’t know whether I
found it more disturbing or hysterical to watch. Either way, you guys are
going to be surprised to what you end up seeing.  (*Be warned for some
obscene full frontal nudity)




Published by
Serena Whitney