The original STAR WARS trilogy is easily the most influential series of all time, and will stand as an inspiration for countless artists until the world explodes. Even after that aliens will find remnants of it floating around space and go, "Wow, that's way better than what we're doing." As directors and writers have grown with a galaxy far, far away close to their hearts, they've snuck in references to the series throughout their work. To try and find them all would be maddening, so we here have whittled them down to the top 10, as we're already totally bonkers. Some are small and almost unnoticeable (SE7EN), a few are adorable (UP), while others are full-on parodies (SPACEBALLS). No matter the size they're clear reflections of the love we all have for STAR WARS, and proof nerd culture will slowly dominate everything. Next stop…the White House.