Categories: Movie News

Tom Cruise in military uniform on the set of Doug Liman’s All You Need Is Kill

Tom Cruise is a busy man.  But, I guess when you’re the highest paid actor in Hollywood, you kind of have to be.  Awaiting the release of JACK REACHER next month and with Joseph Kosinksi’s OBLIVION in the can, Cruise is currently filming the sci-fi actioner ALL YOU NEED IS KILL, based on the novel by Hiroshi Sakurazaka.  The pic is directed by Doug Liman (JUMPER, MR. AND MRS. SMITH) and co-stars Emily Blunt and Bill “game over, man” Paxton.  Our recent glimpse of Cruise running from an explosion in full mech suit was pretty damn awesome, as is the source material, so my feelings are that this will be another checkbox in the “win” category for Mr. Cruise.

These new set pics show Cruise rocking a miitary dress uniform, while flanked by soldiers and a helicopter.  I can’t offer much context as I haven’t read the book, but it’s still cool to see the on-set peek. 

Have a look:

Here’s the in-depth synopsis:

The story unfolds in a near future in which a hive-like alien race, called Mimics, have hit the Earth in an unrelenting assault, shredding great cities to rubble and leaving millions of human casualties in their wake. No army in the world can match the speed, brutality or seeming prescience of the weaponized Mimic fighters or their telepathic commanders. But now the world’s armies have joined forces for a last stand offensive against the alien horde, with no second chances.

Lt. Col. Bill Cage (Cruise) is an officer who has never seen a day of combat when he is unceremoniously demoted and then dropped—untrained and ill-equipped—into what amounts to little more than a suicide mission. Cage is killed within minutes, managing to take an Alpha down with him. But, impossibly, he awakens back at the beginning of the same hellish day, and is forced to fight and die again…and again. Direct physical contact with the alien has thrown him into a time loop—dooming him to live out the same brutal combat over and over.

But with each pass, Cage becomes tougher, smarter, and able to engage the Mimics with increasing skill, alongside Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski (Blunt), who has lain waste to more Mimics than anyone on Earth. As Cage and Rita take the fight to the aliens, each repeated battle becomes an opportunity to find the key to annihilating the alien invaders and saving the Earth.

Directed by Doug Liman and starring Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Jonas Armstrong, Tony Way, Kick Gurry, Franz Drameh, Dragomir Mrsic, and Charlotte Riley, ALL YOU NEED IS KILL hits theaters on March 14, 2014.

Published by
Paul Shirey