Categories: Pop Culture

Timothée Chalamet crashed his own lookalike contest

Every now and then a man comes along who just captures the moment and becomes the It Guy. Right now, Timothée Chalamet is that guy, so much so that a lookalike contest was recently held in which the winner got $50 – do you know how many peaches that could buy?! Adding to the story, however, was that Timothée Chalamet himself turned up…looking the least like Timothée Chalamet out of anyone there.

Over the weekend, the Timothée Chalamet lookalike contest was held in New York City, bringing thousands into Washington Square Park to see who had the aura of the namesake celebrity. It seemed like everywhere you turned there was Willy Wonka and Paul Atreides and even just street clothes Chalamet. According to multiple sources, RSVP numbers were anywhere between 900 and 2,500. That’s an insane amount of people that look like – or were at least told they looked like – Timothée Chalamet.

And then the man himself showed up, surprising one lookalike, as well as the thousands at the event. The funny thing is, the actual Timothée Chalamet looked less like himself than the winner. That or the AI is just getting too good at this point…

There are famous stories of people like Charlie Chaplin and Dolly Parton entering their own lookalike contests and losing, but that we are in the age where it’s going to be captured and shared online adds to the amusement of the story. It also shows that Timothée Chalamet is a genuinely good dude who is in on the fun of it all.

Timothée Chalamet is at the height of his desirability right now, far from being the complete unknown he was before Call Me By Your Name. Since, he has expanded his output exponentially, working with the likes of Woody Allen, Greta Gerwig, Wes Anderson, Adam McKay, Denis Villeneuve, and more. His next film, ironically enough, is A Complete Unknown, in which he plays Bob Dylan at the time when he made the controversial move to switch to electric.

What has been your favorite Timothée Chalamet performance so far? What do you expect him to accomplish in the next five years? Give us your picks and predictions in the comments below!

Published by
Mathew Plale