Categories: Movie News

The Star Wars Celebration poster reveals new Rogue One details

Rogue One titleRogue One title

With Lucasfilm's annual Star Wars Celebration a little under two months away, we can begin looking forward to all sorts of juicy information about the upcoming films in the STAR WARS franchise being revealed at the event, including more about STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII and ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY. A few new tidbits of information about ROGUE ONE have already been revealed thanks to a rather spiffy new poster promoting Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016. The Star Wars Show, Lucasfilm's new web-series dealing with all things Star Wars, debuted the poster which you can check out below.

You can always click to embiggen the poster for yourself, but I've included a few of the more interesting ROGUE ONE details below, including a look at the black-suited Death Troopers, a new breed of Imperial walker called the AT-ACT (All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport), and a new type of trooper known as a Shoretrooper. Star Wars Celebration Europe will be held during July 15-17 in London, England, at the ExCel, and feature three full days of Star Wars goodness.

Rogue One Death TrooperRogue One Death Trooper

ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY is due to hit theaters on December 16, 2016.

Published by
Kevin Fraser