The Prowler (1981) Revisited – Horror Movie Review

The new episode of the Real Slashers video series looks at the 1981 film The Prowler, directed by Joseph Zito, with FX by Tom Savini

A new episode of the Real Slashers video series has just arrived online, and in this one we’re looking back at an ’80s classic that features special effects from the legendary Tom Savini: The Prowler (watch it HERE)! To hear all about it, check out the video embedded above.

Directed by Joseph Zito, who would go on to make Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter a few years later, The Prowler was scripted by Neal Barbera and Glenn Leopold. Here’s the set-up: A crazed World War II veteran gets revenge on his ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend, then stalks teens 35 years later.

The film stars Vicky Dawson, Christopher Goutman, Lawrence Tierney, Farley Granger, Cindy Weintraub, Lisa Dunsheath, David Sederholm, Bill Nunnery, Thom Bray, Diane Rode, Bryan Englund, Donna Davis, Carleton Carpenter, Joy Glaccum, Timothy Wahrer, John Seitz, Bill Hugh Collins, Dan Lounsbery, Douglas Stevenson, and Susan Monts.

A censored version of The Prowler was released under the title Rosemary’s Killer in some territories.

Here’s what Real Slashers is all about: Ahhh the ’80s. A simpler time where the blood ran red, the boobies swung freely, and the weed was copiously smoked. A time where rampant killers were simply excuses for excessive sex and over the top murder. Yes, we’re looking at an era where the slasher movie ran wild over cinemas everywhere. Today, we’re looking at “Real Slashers.”

The show is Written, Narrated, and Edited by Tyler Nichols, Produced by John Fallon, and Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian.

What do you think of The Prowler, and how did you like this episode of Real Slashers? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

A couple of the previous episodes of Real Slashers can be seen below. To see more, and to check out some of our other shows, head over to the JoBlo Horror Originals channel – and subscribe while you’re at it!

Source: Arrow in the Head

About the Author

Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.