Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre trailer exclusive!

Director Max Martini's The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre is set to receive a theatrical and on demand release on September 10th, and today we're proud to share the EXCLUSIVE first look at the film's trailer! Check it out in the embed above!

Starring Chris Margetis, Mike Carey, Max Martini, Adrian Pasdar, Randy Couture, Bas Rutten, DB Sweeney; The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre has the following synopsis: 

Wrestling's most hated tag team, The MANSON BROTHERS, now in the twilight of their careers and relegated to doing smaller wrestling promotions, take a MIDNIGHT cage match on Halloween night, only to find themselves trapped in the arena with wrestlers and fans infected with a mutated rabies ZOMBIE virus. Armed only with their wrestling skills, and enchanted lucha libre masks, they must fight for their lives and ensure the virus is contained to prevent an all-out MASSACRE and pandemic.

Mike Carey and Chris Margetis also wrote the screenplay together. 

The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre looks like a lot of fun, and our reviewer The Iceman can confirm that it is. He described the film as "a glorious and bloody main eventer" that "put a smile on my stupid face and kept it there for the entire runtime." You can read his full 8/10 review at THIS LINK.

I haven't watched wrestling since the early '90s, but it doesn't look like being a big wrestling fan will be required to get enjoyment out of this one. I may not tune in for matches, but I am very interested in watching a movie about wrestlers tearing their way through an army of the living dead. The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre has been on my "must see" list ever since The Iceman's review dropped, and I'm even more hyped for it after seeing the trailer.

Published by
Cody Hamman