Categories: Horror Movie News

The Human Centipede 3 set to begin filming this week in Los Angeles

Back in January we shared the news that Tom Six's THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 3 was back on track with filming scheduled the begin this month, and today we have news that things seem to finally be going in the right direction for the troubled film as the LA Times is reporting that the third installment of the controversial cult horror franchise in which human victims are sewn together is starting up production in Los Angeles with Six Entertainment Co. scheduled to shoot a scene for the film on Friday in the Monterey Park area, according to a permit filed with FilmL.A. Inc., which handles film permits for the city and the county.

You may remember that production on the horror threequel had been delayed last year due to a legal battle between director Tom Six’s production company and actor Dieter Laser, who played the maniacal Dr. Heiter in the original film. Six Entertainment Company has sinced dropped the lawsuit with Laser returning to star in the film that Six has promised to feature "a megalomaniac 500 + human centipede". Now THIS I gotta see!

We'll keep you posted on news regarding THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 3 as it crawls our way.


Published by
Kevin Woods