Tobe Hooper’s 1981 film The Funhouse (watch it HERE) tends to get overshadowed by other movies he made, like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Poltergeist, but it is a classic in its own right. A great addition to the early ’80s slasher boom. On September 6th, Scream Factory will be honoring the film by giving it a 4K UHD release, and copies are available for pre-order at THIS LINK! Fans who order through the Scream Factory website will get an exclusive 18″ X 24″ rolled poster featuring the original theatrical artwork, available while supplies last!
Directed by Hooper from a screenplay by Lawrence J. Block, The Funhouse has the following synopsis:
Rebellious teen Amy (Elizabeth Berridge) defies her parents by going to a trashy carnival that has pulled into town. In tow are her boyfriend, Buzz (Cooper Huckabee), and their friends Liz (Largo Woodruff) and Richie (Miles Chapin). Thinking it would be fun to spend the night in the campy “Funhouse” horror ride, the teens witness a murder by a deformed worker wearing a mask. Locked in, Amy and her friends must evade the murderous carnival workers and escape before it leaves town the next day.
In addition to the actors named in that synopsis, the film’s cast includes Kevin Conway, Sylvia Miles, William Finley, and Sonia Zomina, with Wayne Doba as The Monster.
Scream Factory is bringing The Funhouse to 4K UHD with the following bonus features:
NEW 4K Scan Of The Original Camera Negative – Presented In Dolby Vision
Audio Commentary With Director Tobe Hooper, Moderated By Filmmaker Tim Sullivan
NEW 4K Scan Of The Original Camera Negative
NEW Let’s Spend The Night Together – An Interview With Actor Miles Chapin
NEW Carnival Of Blood – An Interview With Actor Largo Woodruff
NEW Dance In The Dark Ride – An Interview With Actor Wayne Doba
NEW Alive, Alive, Alive – An Interview With Special Effects Artist Craig Reardon
Audio Commentary With Director Tobe Hooper, Moderated By Filmmaker Tim Sullivan
The Barker Speaks! – An Interview With Actor Kevin Conway
Something Wicked This Way Comes – An Interview With Executive Producer Mark L. Lester
Carnival Music – An Interview With Composer John Beal
Audio Interview With Actor William Finley
Additional Scenes Added To The Network Television Broadcast Version
TV Spots
Radio Spots
Paperback Book Advertisement
Theatrical Trailer
How does the 4K UHD release of Tobe Hooper’s The Funhouse sound to you? Will you be picking up a copy? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

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