Categories: TV Trailers

The crown is Catherine of Aragon’s destiny in The Spanish Princess trailer

Starz has been putting together their own little Philippa Gregory universe over the years, begining with The White Queen (which starred a pre-MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Rebecca Ferguson), continuing with The White Princess, and now with The Spanish Princess. Based upon the novels "The Constant Princess" and "The King's Curse," The Spanish Princess will focus on Catherine of Aragon (Charlotte Hope), the beautiful princess of Spain who has been promised the English throne since she was a child, but soon after arriving in England, her husband Prince Arthur suddenly dies and she sets her sights on Prince Harry, who will one day rule of King Henry VIII. I'm always down for another period drama, and although I haven't gotten around to The White Princess yet, I did enjoy The White Queen, so I'm sure The Spanish Princess will make its way to my TV at some point.

The official synopsis for The Spanish Princess:

The Spanish Princess is a vivid and captivating story told uniquely from the point of view of the women, which also sheds light on a previously untold corner of history: the lives of people of color in 16th century London. Catherine of Aragon is the Princess of Spain, who has been promised the English throne all her life. She arrives in a rain-lashed England with her glorious and diverse court including her ladies-in-waiting Lina and Rosa. When her husband dies suddenly, the throne seems lost to Catherine until she sets her sights on the new heir, the future King Henry VIII.

The Spanish Princess will debut on Starz this spring.

Published by
Kevin Fraser