The Comic Book Movie Minute – Logan, Shazam/Black Adam, David Ayer & more

Greetings to all you marvelous super people out there in the extended universe! Welcome to The Comic Book Movie Minute! In this weekly video series, we round up all the important comic book movie related news from the previous week to get you caught up on everything happening in the world of movies based on comic books through January 23rd, 2017. In the words of Wolverine himself, "Holy F*^k!" We got a look at the second red band trailer for LOGAN. It features lots of bloods, lots of naughty language and lots of awesomeness. We also got word that the SHAZAM movie will be split into two films and David Ayer took to Twitter to discuss the ups and downs of SUICIDE SQUAD. Plus much much more! So much is happening when it comes to comic books movies nowadays, stay tuned right here every Monday to discover all the super awesomeness that is The Comic Book Movie Minute. Check out the video below


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