Categories: Movie News

JimmyO opens up a package from Hasbro featuring Avengers toys…

When I arrived home a couple of weeks ago, I discovered a large black box at my doorstep. Printed on the edge was “BREAK SEAL IN CASE OF GLOBAL EMERGENCY!” Below the ominous instructions appeared the logo for S.H.I.E.L.D. – Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Of course this led to me breaking the seal, global emergency or no. Inside the box there were four lockers with the names Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Capt. Steve Rodgers and of course Thor. Once I folded back each locker I found four action figures, one for each character.

Underneath the figures was a secret compartment filled with a number of other necessary objects to battle Loki – although Loki was not included in the set. Thankfully, these superheroes can battle one another until I purchase a villain for them to play with. Play with? I meant to say, ‘battle to an explosive climax’ with.

As a child, growing up with STAR WARS and owning nearly every single toy imaginable, I still have a fondness for the treasures located in this mysterious box. Okay, it wasn’t all that mysterious as this amazing set came from the fine folks at Hasbro. The four action figures are great! While this box only contains a few select toys, they are pretty damn impressive! The talking, hammer throwing Thor rocks!

Instead of writing in great lengths about what was in the box, I thought I’d show you instead. Yet for me, playing with a bunch of toys but not wanting to take them out of their packaging seems very normal. My cameraman Rusty doesn’t necessarily agree.

We’d like to thank Hasbro for helping fight the good fight and making sure that every little boy and girl (or possibly overgrown man/child) can help protect the planet earth and strive for peace by making sure the AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! The toys you see in this video are all available at a retail store near you, or better yet, check them out on the official HASBRO website right now. And I doubt I need to remind any of you that THE AVENGERS opens this Friday at a theatre near you!

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