Categories: Movie News

Terminator website

TERMINATOR SALVATION, the fourth TERMINATOR film starring Christian Bale, Sam Worthington and Anton Yelchin has gotten itself an official website/blog. You can check it out over HERE. Director McG has some words to say as filming gets underway. They range from the good:

“Everything we’re shooting is designed to be tactile and real, you’ll be seeing a whole set of inspired designs you’ve never seen before, and best of all you’ll finally get to see some of the post-judgment day future that was only hinted at in the previous movies.”

To the what?:

“As you know, Anton Yelchin is playing Kyle Reese, and his prep has been unbelievable. The guy’s been watching all three Terminators incessantly and he’s definitely going to capture the essence of the character Michael Biehn created in Cameron’s first film.”

So his unbelievable prep has been watching all the previous films a ton of times? That’s it? My prep for this role has been pretty good too then, I think. Still, I always say end on a good swing. So here is the brilliant concept art for post-judgement day Los Angeles:

Published by
James Thoo