Categories: Horror Movie News

Terminator: Genisys poster features Sarah Connor and a T-800!

If you've currently got TERMINATOR fever as we do (check out the TERMINATOR: GENISYS trailer HERE and our TERMINATOR 2 revisit HERE), then you'll want to keep the good times rolling with the first official poster for the film. Give it a click to see a bigger version!

You'll notice the tagline is "Reset the Future," which is fairly fitting since this film obviously presses the reset button in a big way, erasing just about every other TERMINATOR story we know and starting fresh. Honestly, this is probably the best way to go about it; we'll just have to see if the end result is worth the effort.

Directed by Alan Taylor, TERMINATOR: GENISYS stars Arnold Schwartzenegger, Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Matt Smith, Jai Courtney and J.K. Simmons. It opens July 1, 2015.

Published by
Eric Walkuski