Teen vampire horror-comedy Bit unleashes new trailer

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

I've said before my favorite kinds of vampires are either fighting werewolves or BLADE (or, in a perfect world, both), but that obviously doesn't stop me from enjoying other depictions. I especially love irreverent and dark teen movies (ala HEATHERS or JAWBREAKER), so merging that with vampires seems like a winning combination to me (and yes I even enjoyed bits of VAMPIRE ACADEMY)! Speaking of bits, there's a new trailer out for the teen horror-comedy BIT, about

A transgender teenage girl on summer vacation in Los Angeles [who] fights to survive after she falls in with four queer feminist vampires, who try to rid the city's streets of predatory men

Honestly, this looks pretty cool to me. I especially love the dry delivery of the main character (played by Nicole Maines), as well as the overall dark but irreverent tone the film seems to be going for. And – not to get too personal – but having close family/friends in the trans community, and seeing a film that has a trans main character that isn't exploitative, sensationalist, or even really mentioned (and simply exists) is pretty satisfying. Let's hope the feature itself is able to be as restrained (as well as other upcoming films, as THE CRAFT reboot reportedly also has a trans protagonist).

Meanwhile, the film got rave reviews at the Framlien and MIX Copenhagen film festivals, and according to IMDb should be available now.


Source: Arrow in the Head

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