| Review Date: Director: Kevin Williamson Writer: Kevin Williamson Producers: Richard N. Gladstein, Cathy Konrad Actors: Katie Holmes Helen Mirren Marisa Coughlan Barry Watson |
Sure, Katie Holmes is cute, and her co-star, Marisa Coughlan, did a reasonably amusing impression of THE EXORCIST (Worth two points out of my three on ten), but how can we forgive the biggest one-dimensional character in any film, Holmes’ rival in the film, Mrs. Tingle’s complete unprofessionalism being let go by all others around her (Are teachers allowed to behave that way nowadays?) and a transparent romance between Holmes and some long-haired dude, hired to be the poor man’s version of Skeet Ulrich (Who himself is a poor man’s version of Johnny Depp!). All in all, this movie was laughable for me, provided me with no insight into anything, demonstrated Williamson’s genuine lack of directorial skills alongside a juvenile script, and provided Helen Mirren with a great role to chew into, unfortunately forgetting to give her character any believability, humanity or capacity to comprehend. No hip lines, no cheap thrills, just a dull time at the movie theater. If you want to see a funny teenage movie, go see DETROIT ROCK CITY (8/10), and thank my drunken, sorry ass in the morning.