Categories: Movie News

Taika Waititi is ignoring other MCU films to make Thor his “own awesome” one

When we know a new Marvel movie is on the way one thing everyone is curious about is how the movie will tie into other MCU films. Will Iron Man fly by? Will we get a glimpse of Steve Rogers having a cup of coffee in the background, before seeing him look up, realize he’s in someone else’s movie and then slowly scoot out of frame? The same is true for the upcoming THOR: RAGNAROK, and when asked how it will compare/relate to other MCU films director Taika Waititi simply replied, “I have no f@cking clue.”

Okay he’s not that rude about it, but when asked questions regarding how other MCU films will tie into RAGNAROK during his Reddit AMA session, the man politely responded in the general tone of “I have no idea”:

“I honestly know NOTHING outside of what I’m doing. I’m trying to ignore the rest of the universe and just make my own awesome movie.”

Basically, Waititi is blocking his senses to other Marvel movies, including the THOR movies, saying he is “ignoring the fact there are other[s].” He drove that point home when asked if his movie will mesh with the tone and style of the others, and if the movie will feel like one of his previous films:

“I have no idea. It will be a nice addition to the Taika Waititi box-set though…You can expect a Taika-esque tone. They've been very accepting of my style.”

 To be fair I’m sure he has at least seen some of the other Marvel movies, because when asked how his movie will stand out from others he said:

“I think TR will be one of the most adventurous and most "out there" of all the marvel movies. It's a crazy movie.”

However, I could be wrong, citing when asked if he agrees with Kevin Feige saying RAGNAROK is Phase 3’s WINTER SOLDIER:

“Jeez. I better see Winter Soldier… no joke.”

While some more dedicated fans may find this disconcerting, do not fret, for what Waititi is going for is quite refreshing. The man has a unique style that's made his recent movies, WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS and HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE, among the best of their years. To not let the man bring that same ingenuity to THOR would be a shame, so ignoring the tone of the previous movies is, stylistically, a wise move. What we've heard of the movie makes it sound like it's going to be absolutely bonkers, so making something totally unique will ensure those lofty heights are reached. And just think, without this embrace of something different we wouldn't have Darryl (see below). Think about a world like that.

THOR: RAGNAROK arrives November 3, 2017 with Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Tessa Thompson, Cate Blanchett, Anthony Hopkins and more.

Published by
Matt Rooney