Categories: Movie News

Superman punches the crap out of General Zod in one of these two new clips from Man of Steel

Man of SteelMan of Steel

At this point I'm pretty sure most of you don't need to see anything else from MAN OF STEEL. You may want to but you don't need to. The final trailer was insanely awesome so why watch anything else from the movie and risk ruining something before it comes out next week? Because sometimes you just can't help yourself.

Two new clips from the upcoming film have been released and one of them is a doozy. We've seen some of Superman (Henry Cavill) and General Zod (Michael Shannon) trading blows in the trailers but most of it has been quick cuts of the action. This new clip however is over a minute of the two of them engaged in an epic battle. I will say the video may contain some spoilers (a line at the beginning of the clip and a moment towards the end) and the clip might be at the beginning of the end fight between Supes and Zod (I could be wrong and the clip could be from some other part of the movie but better safe than sorry) so you might want to avoid it.

Christopher Meloni was at HuffPost Live promoting MAN OF STEEL and although the clip he brought with him doesn't have anywhere near the same level of action as the previous one it's still a good watch. It features Colonel Hardy (Meloni) trying to take on Faora (Antje Traue) and…well you'll see.

MAN OF STEEL also stars Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Russell Crowe, Diane Lane and Laurence Fishburne, and will be in theaters on June 14th, 2014.

Published by
Jesse Giroux