Sorority Boys

Review Date:
Director: Wallace Wolodarsky
Writer: Joe Jarvis, Greg Coolidge
Producers: Larry Brezner, Walter Hamada
Barry Watson as Dave/Daisy
Harland Williams as Doofer/Roberta
Michael Rosenbaum as Adam/Adina
Three frat brothers get tossed out of their fraternity after they are found to have stolen money from the group. Until they can prove their innocence, the boys decide to dress like women and join a girl’s sorority house, so that they can plan things out. Needless to say, hijinx are supposed to ensue.
Blah. I hope that I’m not the only person who is getting a little bored with these recycled movies that we’ve been getting over the past few years. This film’s yet another one, which basically should have been nothing more than a 5-minute sketch on “Saturday Night Live”, but somehow got the greenlight from the top brass at Disney (what the ???) because they saw some inherent value in it. Let me wrap it up to you in a nutshell: three sexist guys get tossed out of their fraternity, dress up like women and ultimately learn to respect girls. Aaaaaaah! Or you might also say “blech”! This is a tired plotline, a tired twist (men dressing like women) and above all, and most importantly, tired jokes. As per my usual comedy reviews, I will reiterate how comedies are in themselves, subjective in nature, so I’m sure that some folks will find some humor in this dud, but for me, the ratio of funny to non-funny was about 20/80, which means that I spent most of my time in the theater figuring out what I was going to be eating after the movie, or what other movie I might be able to see which would make me forget about this lame experience. The basic idea behind the film is also idiotic, the characters shallow and uninteresting and the situations in which they put themselves, unbelievable and see-through (there’s an overly-hairy French girl (wow, what an original joke!!) and a girl who without the use of her contact lenses, apparently can’t differentiate a man from a woman in the shower), that you’re basically just sitting there, waiting for a funny joke to come along (the one in which one of the dudes dressed as a girl says “suck my dick” to a passer-by was the only joke that made me chuckle out loud).

As per usual, most of the semi-funny jokes had already been wasted in the trailer, so those basically didn’t work much either, and the over-the-top characters such as poor Heather Matarazzo’s “loud” persona and the KOK’s house president weenie voice, were just plain embarrassing. The three main leads in the film were good in their roles, especially Michael Rosenbaum who kept complaining about his “big ass”, but other than that, every single person in the film was stereotypical, not funny and worst of all…boring. They even tossed ol’ ANIMAL HOUSE alum Mark Metcalf in there for “good luck”, I suppose, but no such luck was to be had. Once more, I find myself asking the studios to get their shit together, stop recycling crap that’s already been done a zillion times before, and start paying attention to screenplays once and for all (instead of the “packaging” and “marketing” before making sure that the movie works in the first place!) Can anyone say “Powerpuff Girls”? Skip this turd or watch it when you’re stoned or drunk on DVD since that’s pretty much the only way that you’ll likely get some kicks out of it. I’ve always thought that dressing like a girl was fun until you’re the only one left in the room who still thinks it’s clever, and in the case of this film, it just ain’t clever anymore. A one-trick pony whose few T&A bits still can’t save itself from being unoriginal, unfunny and unrecommendable.

(c) 2021 Berge Garabedian

Sorority Boys



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