Back in May, we got the exclusive first look at the trailer for first-time feature director Nyla Innuksuk’s alien invasion horror film Slash/Back, which is coming to us from RLJE Films and Shudder. The movie is set to receive a theatrical, digital, and VOD release on October 21st, and with that date just a few weeks away a new trailer for Slash/Back has arrived online. You can check it out in the embed above!
Scripted by Innuksuk and Ryan Cavan, the film has the following synopsis:
Set in Pangnirtung, Nunavut, a sleepy hamlet nestled in the majestic mountains of Baffin Island in the Arctic Ocean, SLASH/BACK opens as the village wakes up to a typical summer day. No School, no cool boys (well… except one), and 24-hour sunlight. But for Maika and her ragtag friends, the usual summer is suddenly not in the cards when they discover an alien invasion threatening their hometown. These teenagers have been underestimated their whole lives but, using makeshift weapons and their horror movie knowledge, they show the aliens you don’t f*** with the girls from Pang.
Slash/Back stars newcomers Tasiana Shirley, Alexis Vincent-Wolfe, Nalajoss Ellsworth, and Chelsea Prusky. Also in the cast are Kristian Bruun (Ready or Not), Shaun Benson (The Boys), Melissa Hood (True Nightmares), Amélie Albert-LeBlanc (Crimson Sands), Natar Ungalaaq (The Necessities of Life), and many more newcomers: Janice Alivaktuk, Madeleine Qumuatuq, Hannah Flanagan, Evan Innuksuk, Paulette Metuq, Jackie Maniapik, Frankie Vincent-Wolfe, Scottie Kilabuk, Iris Sowdluapik, Jenna Papatsie, Nikita Burke, Joanasie Qappik, Christopher Metuq, Linda Uvilluk, Lucy Qavavauq-Burke, Lorna Lawson, Donald Mearns, Rory Anawak, and Niviaq Mike.
Innuksuk produced Slash/Back with Alethea Arnaquq-Baril, Daniel Bekerman, Ethan Lazar, Stacey Aglok MacDonald, Alex Ordanis, and Christopher Yurkovich. Hussain Amarshi and Neil Mathieson serve as executive producers, with Natalie Novak Remplakowski as associate producer and Jennifer Mesich as line producer.
This movie looks like a good time to me, so I’ll be watching it in October. Will you? What did you think of the new Slash/Back trailer? Let us know by leaving a comment below.
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