Categories: Movie News

Silent Kill: Jean-Claude Van Damme to lead a treasure-hunting action movie set in the Congo

Silent Kill, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Anthony HickoxSilent Kill, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Anthony Hickox

Jean-Claude Van Damme is going to the Congo but not to hunt the Gray Gorillas. The mega-pliable action star is joining the cast of Silent Kill, an upcoming action film directed and written by Anthony Hickox (Hellraiser IIIWaxworkInfamous Six). According to DeadlineSilent Kill follows four mercenaries searching the Congo for hidden treasure. After finding the goods, the group buries the treasure and agrees to return three years later to split the winnings. As you can imagine, the plan goes awry.

Former NFL star Vernon Davis (ChariotGasoline AlleyA Day to Die), Rafael Amaya (Queens of the SouthThe Lord of the Skies), and Madalina Anea (WatcherA Christman PrincessExodus to Shanghai) star alongside Van Damme, who also produces with Joram Moreka. Andrea Iervolino, Monika Bacardi, Ovidiu Toma, and Bradly Gentz produce.

“One of the all-time great action stars, Jean-Claude Van Damme has cultivated a worldwide fanbase that will absolutely love this adrenaline-fueled movie that starts fast and never takes it’s foot off the gas pedal. Its Van Damme doing what everyone loves watching him do,” said Iervolino.

With films like KickboxerDouble ImpactCyborg, and Universal Soldier under his belt, Jean-Claude Van Damme is one of Hollywood’s most iconic action stars. I pity the other characters in Silent Kill who think they can swipe the buried treasure from under his nose. You’d have to be crazy or fancy a death wish to cross Van Damme and his lightning-fast kicks. What’s that? You’re not sure if Van Damme is as dangerous as he was back in the day? You should watch The Last Mercenary. It’s one of Van Damme’s more comedic films, but it will prove he’s still got what it takes to beat bad guys into submission.

What do you think about the concept of Silent Kill? If you found buried treasure, would you split it with your friends? How would you spend the money? Let us know in the comments.

Published by
Steve Seigh