Categories: Movie News

Segel vs. Ferrigno

While FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL didn’t do for Jason Segel what KNOCKED UP did for Seth Rogen—make him a household name—it certainly gave Segel the push he needed to become a comedic lead, which is nothing to frown at, unless you’re Jim Carrey, who always wants more. BELOW is clip for Segel’s SARAH MARSHALL follow-up, a comedy called I LOVE YOU, MAN. The film costars Paul Rudd (of course) Jaime Pressly, and Rashida Jones. Segel plays an engaged dude on the hunt for a best man. The clip appears to be spy footage of Segel clashing with Lou Ferrigno, the original Hulk. Lou wins. I LOVE YOU, MAN is scheduled for January 29, 2009.

Published by
Ben Barna