Categories: Horror Movie News

Scream Factory takes us back to the Bates Motel with Psycho IV this August

Bates Motel is currently our premiere look at the psychotic Norman Bates' origin, but let us never forget the surprisingly solid efforts of the 30-years-later prequel PSYCHO IV: THE BEGINNING. Luckily Scream Factory, the company who put out PSYCHO II, III, and franchise doc THE PSYCHO LEGACY, is now resurrecting the fourth entry on Blu-Ray with their typical panache.

The extras have yet to be announced, but the film will be released on August 23, 2016, just in time for a cozy summer vacation at a certain secluded motel. 

A seemingly rehabilitated Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) is drawn to a late night radio show where the host (CCH Pounder, DEMON KNIGHT) encourages him to share his views on the topic of matricide. Reliving his childhood, Norman recounts his trials of a young boy (Henry Thomas, OUIJA 2) living with his widowed schizophrenic mother (Olivia Hussey, BLACK CHRISTMAS). These haunting memories are more than just disturbing visions of the past; they threaten to rekindle his killing urge in this spine-tingling thriller directed by Mick Garris (The Stand, Masters of Horror).

You can pre-order your copy right here!

Published by
Brennan Klein