Outlier and Pathbender are teaming to adapt the supernatural thriller created by Jeff Frank and illustrated by “X-Men” artist Mike Mayhew, reports TheWrap. Outlier and new production partner Pathbender have just landed film and TV rights for the Shadowline/Image Comics graphic novel SAVAGE, which sees a pretty gnarly match-up between Bigfoot and a pack of blood-thirsty werewolves. Sounds legit!
Created by Jeff Frank and co-written by Frank, Dan Wickline and Steve Niles (30 DAYS OF NIGHT), SAVAGE is a supernatural thriller illustrated by award-winning "X-Men" artist Mike Mayhew. Right now James Cotten is attached to helm the pic which follows…
a mysterious killer who is hunting down supernatural creatures. While looking for a prodigy to continue his work, he finds himself in the midst of a battle between the legendary Bigfoot and a pack of werewolves.
Pathbender’s E. Thompson and John Adams will produce the movie, while Outlier’s Mark Morgan will executive produce. I hope this one does find a way to the big screen because this just sounds too ridiculous to pass up. Bigfoot will tear shit up!