Categories: Movie News

Rumor: Will Smith’s Deadshot may appear in Ben Affleck’s solo Batman movie

A couple of months ago we revealed a few of the key players for the next solo Batman film (which currently doesn't have a set release date), and now Latino-Review has heard DC and Warner Bros. are considering adding another character to the mix.

Sources tell the site that Will Smith may reprise his SUICIDE SQUAD role as Deadshot in the planned movie. Smith, who apparently want to be an "ongoing part" of Warner Bros.' plans for the DC Extended Universe films, has signed on for multiple appearances as the antihero/supervillain, and if he does join the solo flick, "it will be for a 'major role' for a 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly' scenario," with him possibly teaming up with Batman.

While this is obviously just a rumor, would it really surprise any of you if it was announced that Smith's Deadshot will be back for the next big screen Bat adventure? We'll have to wait and see if this rumor pans out, but until then, which other Suicide Squad members would you like to see appear in the solo Batman movie?

BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE will hit theaters on March 25, 2016, followed by SUICIDE SQUAD on August 5, 2016.

Published by
Jesse Giroux